
Got any suggestions on any fantasy topics? Or just a question you want answered? Comment on this post for your questions or suggestions, or send your inquiries to Every week, assuming there are questions, there will be a mailbag post related to at least one.


9 Responses to Suggestions/Mailbag

  1. Hey, nice site. I enjoy playing fantasy football with you, but I think you should talk about your team on thise site. You have some good players, and there are a lot of trades and drops going on. I hope you can still elevate your team this season.

  2. Hey, you probably already got my trade proposal, but I was just making sure, remember, I send you WR Santonio Holmes and K Nick Folk in return for WR Greg Jennings and K Billy Cundiff. I hope you will highly consider this trade, if not, let me know if I have any players you may want. I am in a rebuilding process if you haven’t looked at my latest trade in the league office.

    • Hey Clark, I saw your trade, and sorry I haven’t responded until just 30 mins. ago. It’s a good trade, but Jennings is better than Holmes. I’ll look at your team later today and send you a trade.

  3. Hey, I know you just traded, but I understand you are strong in WR position. Please, take a look at my team and tell me what players you like or send me a proposal, I am in need of a WR because I am short a few. Also, I like the new style of blogging your moves in the league, but I think you should include other’s moves, especially some of the moves going on now like Ted’s move for Chris Johnson, gutsy, yet smart. Thanks, Clark.

  4. I am 15 and I want to start a fashion blog. What should I call it? Also, please tell me any tips you have for getting started and what I could do on it or how to do it..

  5. Is a WordPress or Blogspot a better place to host your blog?

  6. brief22 says:

    I love the site how it is, think It’s awesome how you talk about the Bloggers’ League so keep it up.

    • Thanks. Actually, the credit goes to Clark, as before he suggested I write about Bloggers League, I wasn’t getting too many hits and also posts were harder to write about a certain topic.

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